RAISING THE FATHERHOOD FLAG: Raising And Engaging The Stakes For Our 21st Century Dads!

Course Age Level
New Professionals, Experienced Professionals
In-Person, Virtual
Total Time
45-90 Minutes
Book This Training

Course Overview

Dads and father figures come in different shapes and sizes, colors and contours. This powerful presentation will discuss the critical role of father figures, showcase video and multi-media references to the power of these caretakers, and provide participants with real tools and resources to raise their fatherhood game.

Who can benefit from taking this course?

Students, Educators, Community Leaders

Course Tags 

Bring RAISING THE FATHERHOOD FLAG: Raising And Engaging The Stakes For Our 21st Century Dads! to Your Organization

Looking for an innovative, music-filled, and fast-paced keynote presentation? This could be your answer! We are now taking training dates and engagements – but please contact us soon as our calendar is filling fast with few, sporadic dates still remaining!
Training Page Forms

Natl Workforce Development
Conference Keynote Participant
“As soon as the music started, I looked over at my co-workers and told them that I was so glad we stayed for the keynote. This was by far the BEST and most RELEVANT and ON-POINT presentation of the conference! You challenged, entertained, and inspired us – and had all 700 of us up dancing and laughing! THANK YOU!"
Keith Albright
Vice President 
for Job Corps,
HomeBuilders Institute
"Thank-you Leading To Change!. We received and experienced exactly what we hoped for and then some. The fact filled fast-paced dialog identified perfectly with the instructor’s everyday duties and the problems they face. Who could dare shut an eye with the way your team kept the audience engaged? Well done!"
Kelly Sexton
Director of Youth Development, YMCA of Sumter, SC
"You and your staff exceeded even my high expectations and delivered more than anything we had ever seen before. We thank you for your support of us and look forward to additional and new training opportunities in the future as both of our organizations continue to grow and improve."
Reilly Demers
Intern, River East School-to-Career, Inc.
"As part of the Millennial Generation, I enjoyed the presentation a lot. What I found really funny was that I could identify with a lot of what Eric was saying. All the examples he showed made me think, "Oh, yeah, I do that a lot" or "Yeah, that's just like me". His presentation gave me insight into my own behaviors. I was able to see how important my future is in the workplace."

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